Healthy Fruits Art |
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Healthy Fruits Art |
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Healthy Fruits Art |
Healthy Fruits |
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Healthy Fruits |
Healthy Fruits Art |
Healthy Fruits |
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Healthy Fruits Art |
Fruits Art |
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Healthy Fruits |
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Fruits Art |
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Fruits Art |
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Healthy Fruits |
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Healthy Fruits Art
How creative are you? Fun fruit creations that everybody will love!. See more ideas about Fruit, Fruit art and Creative food
Everyday Art: Using Fruits and Vegetables to Create Beautiful Artwork
creativity, you can use fruits and vegetables as stamps to create unique works of art! Read on to find out how!
What You Need:
Washable paint
Styrofoam plates
Paint brushes (optional)
Popsicle sticks or toothpicks (optional)
Knife AND Adult Helper
Fruits and Vegetables–suggested options:
o Apple
o Bell Peppers
o Broccoli (tip: bushy broccoli heads add great texture to pictures)
o Cabbage
o Cauliflower
o Celery
o Mushrooms
o Potato
o Squash and/or zucchini
What You Do:
1- Start out by enlisting an adult helper to help you select which fruits and vegetables are okay for you to use for your produce-filled art project. Make your project extra ecofriendly by using the ends of produce that would get cut off and discarded anyway and/or use produce that is nearing its expiration date. Hint: Promise to help your parents prepare the unused portions of fruit and vegetables and happily eat them after your project is over!
2- Next, ask that same adult helper to cut the fruits and veggies into slices for you. Ask that some be cut horizontally and some be cut vertically to get different shapes.
3-Squirt a dollop of paint onto plates.
4- Spread out paper for art as well as some extra to catch any paint drips.
5- Optional step: insert clean popsicle sticks or toothpick into the top of your fruits and veggies to create handles for your fruit and veggie stamps.
6- Start creating! Dip your fruit and veggie stamps directly into paint on plates, or you can use a paintbrush to paint the surface of the produce stamps. Use your fruit and veggie stamps to make an abstract print, or see what pictures you can create using only produce. You may just surprise yourself with what all you can make!
7- Show off! Share your masterpieces with all your Healthy Little Cooks friends on the Healthy Little Cooks Facebook page!
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