' Python for ABSOLUTE beginners! [April 2020 Edition!] - udemy free coupon
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موقع ملوك الطبخ يقدم أشهى وأسهل وصفات الطبخ من جميع وصفات طبخ سريعة و شهية الاصناف . سواء الاطباق الرئيسية او الحلويات الغربية والشرقية وغيرها

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Python for ABSOLUTE beginners! [April 2020 Edition!] - udemy free coupon

Python for ABSOLUTE beginners! [April 2020 Edition!]

What you'll learn
Install Python
Setup an IDE
Learn Python with hand-on experience of using databases and files.
Master MongoDB and PyMongo
Crawl websites for data and pull information through BeautifulSoup4
Create a NoSQL database using PyMongo
Install essential modules
Use advanced Python concepts to code a RPG
And also many fun projects like a Palindrome Checker and a Guess the Number game
Solve 5 Python quizzes!

If you want to get started programming in Python, you are going to LOVE this course! What better than learning from a runner-up of Google Code-in 2019...

Python has rapidly become one of the most popular programming languages around the world. Compared to other languages such as Java or C++, Python consistently outranks and outperforms these languages in demand from businesses and job availability. Python is an easy to learn programming language with a wide variety of well-paying jobs in many fields, including data science, web development, and network programming.

This course is designed to fully immerse you in the Python language, so it is great for both beginners! Learn Python as Dhhyey takes you through the basics of programming, Python concepts, coding a calculator, essential modules, creating an RPG battle script, web scraping, PyMongo, and much more!

This course will cover all the basics and also some advanced concepts of Python.

Who this course is for:
People interested in programming who have little or no prior programming experience.
Python programmers who need a refresher on Python
Programming hobbyists
Anyone else who is interested in learning Python
Beginner Python developers who want to advance their skills by making new and engaging Python projects


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مدونة عربية مصرية تهتم بكل ما هو جديد فى عالم التكنولوجيا والالعاب وايضا بكيفية الربح من الانترنت وتضم ايضا بعض الشرحات فى كيفية حل مشاكل الكمبيوتر والهواتف وتضم بعض شرحات تطبيقات الاندرويد والويندوز وتضم بعض شرحات الفيتوشوب وبعض برامج المونتاج وشكرا على الزيارة , تم انشاء المدونة بداية العام 2018 وكان الغرض منها تقديم كل ماهو جديد فى مجال التكنولوجيا والمعلوميات ,