' Build a SMS Verification with Login System Using PHP MySQL - udemy free coupon
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Build a SMS Verification with Login System Using PHP MySQL - udemy free coupon

Build a SMS Verification with Login System Using PHP MySQL - udemy free coupon

Publisher : Aizaz dinho

Price : $29

Course Language : English


How to Create Secure PHP Login and Registration system with mobile and email verification using PHP, OOP , PDO and MySQL. Every one who just started learning web developing and web designing and wanted to learn more in PHP ,MySQL OOP concept then you are at the right place at the right time.

Before taking this course you need to know some basics about PHP and HTML, CSS we will be straight coding in PHP.

PHP Login and Registration system this is not the simple Sign-in & Sign-up system, we will be creating OOP methods for better understanding how PHP OOP works. I've created the secured Login and registration system .


By taking this course will get my full support. I’m always loved to help my students (could be you). I’m always in ninja mood, if there’s been question it’ll be answered within an hour or few. 

We love helping!

If you stuck in any of my lectures, then don’t worry we are always here to help. Or if you need assistance from a lecture? Tells us the problem.

This Course Covers The Following Features:

• Login System

• Sign-up System

• User Settings

• Account Recovery

• Email Verification

• SMS Verification

• Clean Friendly URLs

Please look at all the lectures to see more things that are covered.


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مدونة عربية مصرية تهتم بكل ما هو جديد فى عالم التكنولوجيا والالعاب وايضا بكيفية الربح من الانترنت وتضم ايضا بعض الشرحات فى كيفية حل مشاكل الكمبيوتر والهواتف وتضم بعض شرحات تطبيقات الاندرويد والويندوز وتضم بعض شرحات الفيتوشوب وبعض برامج المونتاج وشكرا على الزيارة , تم انشاء المدونة بداية العام 2018 وكان الغرض منها تقديم كل ماهو جديد فى مجال التكنولوجيا والمعلوميات ,