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Salesforce development 2020 - Complete Beginner to Advanced - udemy free coupon
Salesforce development 2020 : Complete Beginner to Advanced
About this course
Want to learn Apex and Visualforce and Pass The Platform Certified Developer I exam with 95% score. Enroll this course!
By the numbers
Skill level: All Levels
Students: 33
Languages: English
Captions: Yes
Lectures: 6
Video: 31 total mins
Available on iOS and Android
This course is designed for those who intent to learn in-depth in Apex programming language and get their first salesforce developer job. This course covers every concept of apex programming language. once you complete each and every lecture of the coourse, you will have clear understanding of the salesforce and know how things work in the backend and frontent to be able to implement the salesforce platform. I hope you see you in the course..
What you’ll learn
Learn complete basic to advanced apex to become a Salesforce developer
Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?
No previous programming knowledge is required
The developer account is free to practice
Willingness to learn
Who this course is for:
Anyone who wants to learn a salesforce developer