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مجموعة من كورسات يوديمي المدفوعة مجاناً collection of free paid Udemy courses
مجموعة من كورسات يوديمي المدفوعة مجاناً collection of free paid Udemy courses
مجموعة جديدة من كورسات يوديمي المدفوعة ، مجاناً ولفترة محدودة - بالتوفيق للجميع ..
English Grammar : Master Phrasal Verbs for beginners
Flutter - Advanced Course
New SAT Math Course
Statistical Analysis and Research using Excel
Spring & Hibernate for Beginners (includes Spring Boot)
The Complete Python Programmer: From Scratch to Applications
Employee Engagement: Leadership to Engage Hearts and Minds
Microsoft Excel tricks (MacBook & Windows) beginner-advanced
Adobe InDesign CC 2020
Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2020
Adobe Creative Cloud 2020
Adobe Animate CC 2020
Adobe XD CC 2020
Adobe Illustrator CC 2020
Adobe Photoshop CC 2020
Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2020
Java Programming Fundamentals
Java Servlets Training
Learn More in Less Time
Flutter Complete with Dart, Firebase & built Weather App
Microsoft Project: Get Up & Running Quickly
Basics Data Science with Numpy, Pandas and Matplotlib
Microsoft Visio 2019 / 365 : Beginner to Advanced
Qt Core Advanced with C++
Qt Core Intermediate with C++
Reverse Engineering 3: Software Protection
Develop Your Listening Skills to Shine at Work and in Life
HTML5 and CSS3 Training
ReactJS Training
The Ultimate Guide to Stencil for Merch By Amazon, KDP & POD
The Complete Web Development Course with PHP, PDO & MySQL